All of my days

9 juli 2019 - Cambroon, Australië

It has been a while.. 

Back in OZzie for 5 months already, only 3 weeks left at work. Time flies, so much that has happend. The dreamjob will end, and I find it hard to believe. 

It is getting frustrating how everything stays a temporarly thing. Having 3 homes is amazing, a luxery. But; knowing that at the moment none of them are permanent, makes it exhausting. Aspecially since I hate saying goodbye. It's something I never get used too. Feeling too attached too soon. And on the other hand, always keeping my distance to fully enjoy, fully live in the moment. Cause I am always afraid for that moment where I have to leave again. And the more you get attached.. The worse the moment of leaving is. When my dad arrived in may for a week I guess thats when I realized how much at home I feel here. To show him the places, the erae where I live was amazing! But also a reality check; this is a home which I started to love but which wont last. 

Dont worry, that doesnt mean I am not truly enjoying myself. Cause, its bloody awesome down here! Riding as an endurance rider for a stable like this is, to me, a big privilege. Being able to call this my job, is just fantastic. An amazing team, stunning horses..

'Maybe' I have mentioned it before, The Endurance Bug. 

To go back, I always loved riding horses. (I hear you, the sarcastic 'Really?' ;) ). Aspecially arabs ('now way?!'). I never really tho enjoyed dressage that much. I have done it, and I believe in certain beneficial aspects of it for sure! But the dressage competitions.. I never truly enjoyed. The pressure I felt effected my riding. And obviously that pressure effected little Dannyboy. Once I was 18 I stopped going to ponyclub, and me and Danny have never done so well in dressage once the pressure was off. 

So yeah, I have been looking for my way of riding for a while. Once I started to hear more and more about the endurance sport, I got curious. I started at Cosy Dell to do my 1st, unofficial, 40s and 3 80s. And that tasted like more. When I started working here I just thought.. An official 40km, that would be soo good! But after that 40, I started thinking about that 80. And after that 80 about becoming open. And once I reached open? (Besides riding my own boy in NZ) about riding my first fast ride. And guess what? Thanks to an amazing oppertunity I got to ride a fast 80km! And me and my co worker became shared 2nd place in the lightweight devision! So whats next? I guess a 120 or a 160km.. ;)

Anyways, the endurance bug.. The moment when u are tired, have another 32 hours to go with barely any sleep in between, when its raining or chilly, and you are strapping for the 160km; starting at midnight.. And still think "I loveeeee this job!"; thats when you are infected with this contagious bug! 

This week, midnight saturday, the Tom Quilty will start. THE competition of the year. Last year I was lucky to work in Tasmania at the Quilty and eventho it is going to be an insanely intense week; I can't wait!  honestly, a weekend where I am 'just' strapping is just as intense as when I am riding. We all want the best result. The best outcome for every horse and rider. Wether I am on the ground or on a horse, its always bigger than just yourself. 

I am not sure if I ever really explained the strapping part? Strapping means grooming in a way, I actually dont know the precise difference. Sometimes as a strapper I get "matched" with a rider and horse. Normally only if we have enough strappers. If there are 13 horses and only 4 people; its basicly just run to wherever someone is needed. 

Let me take you to the weekend in may; 13 horses. We had enough strappers and I was matched with a combination doing the 160km ride. This ride starts at midnight, so my alarm will go off at about 2230. I start brushing&saddeling the horse around 2300 so that the rider can hop on around 2315/2330 for a good warm up before they can cross the start line. I can hear you think, but after you can go for a nap right? Well.. Endurance is split up in 'loops'. They wont ride 160km straight, the longest loop can be 40/45km. So after every loop a combination comes back.. And thats when sh*t gets real mate! 

Vets are here for inspection, before, during and after a ride vets will have a look to see if a horse is healthy or not. They check heartrates, hydration, rasperation, lameness etc. Most important, for a strapper, is once the combination is in; the heartrate. There is a maximum amount of beats per minute a horse is allowed to have once going into a vetring. Most of the times this is around 60bpm. So when our riders come in, we take off their gear and straight away cool down the horse with water (this totally depends on outside temperatures tho!). We check heart rates and once this is good the combination goes to the vetring. Depending on the ride, on average you have a maximum of 30minutes to do this. Sounds long, but time flies.. Lets say a 160km has normally at least 5 loops. That means 6 times going to the vetring. If a horse doesnt look good (its lame, heartrate is too high or other problems) you have to stop the ride. 

So endurance isnt just about going fast; its about going smart I guess. And as a strapper; you wont sit still :) 

I guess thats why its so addictive. That rush of making sure the horses feel good, working as a team (riders and strappers) to get everyone through as good as possible.. Its stressfull forsure. Its not just having fun. But once the ride is finished, it feels great! 

Even when I am matched with one combination, during the day there is always something to do. Having at least 8 horses out on track means that every strapper can be of help once those horses are in. After the vetting they have around 30 minutes as a break. 10 minutes prior to the start of a next loop the horses need to be tacked up again! Brushing, saddle.. Hectic! 

At the Quilty tho it's all a bit different again. The pressure is on for the team, and I am excited! 

Being part of the training of most of these horses, seeing them going through their rides is just soo good. Taking a baby horse for their first 40km or first 80km always gives a proud feeling. 

And if I am riding.. I mean, being out somewhere in a forrest or outback area in Australia on horseback? And like I said, endurance isnt just having fun and chilling around or going as fast as you can; its a marathon. Its making sure that the horse I ride is happy and good. Is healthy and sound. Riding the track, anticipating on what ever is in front of you. Staying focussed and yes, sometimes dealing with a bit of pain or exhausting (mental and or fisical) yourself. I love it!! 

So for everyone who has been reading all my endurance blabla, this hopefully gives you an explanation what its really about! 

To get back to the 2nd place.. I was allowed to ride one of my favorite ponies called Gazelle. A little purebred who I already really liked last season. And I got the oppertunity to ride with my boss for the 1st loop! Which was an incredible learning possibility and me and my coworker often smiled at eachother having goosebumps! But then again, being able to get a younger horse through their novice 40's or 80's feels about just as good. Always a proud 'mum' moment when a young horse finishes their ride! 

This season went fast. Way too fast.. 1 more competitions besides the Quilty. And after a 2 week holiday with mum, exploring a bit of OZzieland. On the 12th of august the adventure will be over and I'll fly with mum back to Amsterdam. 

Time will fly even faster, I better enjoy it while I am still here. For now, wish us luck for THE Quilty?! 


5 Reacties

  1. Marjon:
    9 juli 2019
    How fantastic to read all you're stories and adventure
    But the 12th of August you dit back to Amsterdam? Does the mean you come back to you're NL home or is it for a visite again? How about Dubai (was it?) ?
    Enjoy you're time still there and with you're mij

  2. Paula:
    10 juli 2019
    Hoi Lieke,
    Geniet van je ritten met je geliefde paarden en vooral: de komende tijd met je moeder.
    Begrijp ik dat je definitief terug komt??

    In ieder geval ENJOY! 💋💋 Liefs van Paula
  3. Pap de flap:
    14 juli 2019
    Heerlijk te lezen meid.. Optimaal genoten van je leventje daar!! Straks genieten met je moeder een mooi afscheidsreisje maken maar wie weet hoe snel je weer terug bent meid. Groetjes daar aan Brook, zijn vrouw en iedereen er omheen.

    Kus van je pappie
  4. Pap de flap:
    14 juli 2019
    Heerlijk te lezen meid.. Optimaal genoten van je leventje daar!! Straks genieten met je moeder een mooi afscheidsreisje maken maar wie weet hoe snel je weer terug bent meid. Groetjes daar aan Brook, zijn vrouw en iedereen er omheen.

    Kus van je pappie
  5. Irma aikema:
    15 juli 2019
    Veel plezier nog daar !!